Diablo 2 mods 2018
Diablo 2 mods 2018

diablo 2 mods 2018 diablo 2 mods 2018

But I get that some players just love Diablo 2 and hopefully this will allow them to go back and play it in a graphically updated way if that’s what they want. If you want an updated Diablo game, we have one of those. I’m going to be up front - I really don’t see the need for this. He’s spent four years working to create a StarCraft 2 mod that will allow you to play Diablo 2 inside the newer engine. Not so for egod123, who is actively engaged in exactly that labor, creating a mod called The Curse of Tristram.

diablo 2 mods 2018

I like to think I’m willing to do more than most, but the idea of sitting down with StarCraft 2 and painstakingly recreating Diablo 2using its game editor is well outside my wheelhouse. One of the things I find continuously fascinating about fandom is how far particular fans will go for the things they love.

Diablo 2 mods 2018